Mindful Yoga Pilates & Art

with Cindy Brewer Purser

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Grow, strengthen, relax, and heal

Each class is unique and each session is specifically customized for you. I work with yoga therapy, Pilates, mindful art, sound healing, meditation, and tapping. Through these practices, I can help you feel physically stronger, heal from pain, relieve stress, and process your thoughts and dreams.

Healing starts here.

Cindy Brewer Purser has been a teacher for over 30 years. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Dance from UNC-Charlotte and began her teaching career as a dance teacher. Injuries led her to the therapeutic benefits of Pilates. She became a certified Pilates teacher through Leslie Clayton of Body Awareness in Atlanta, GA . While teaching Pilates at a yoga studio, she began to feel called to teach yoga as well. She received her 200-hour RYT with Lesa Crocker of the Bodhi Tree. She went on to complete her 500-hour RYT with Rolf Gates, an amazing teacher and the author of Meditations from the Mat. She became a Yoga Therapist through Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy & Meditation School in NY. To further her love of all things mindful, she completed her Mindful Art Teacher Certification with Cynthia Hauk and her Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping Practitioner Certification with Graham Nicholls.

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Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is about treating every aspect of a person. It uses yoga poses, breath exercises, meditation, contemplation, personal history and self awareness, homework and Ayurvedic practices (holistic healing system) to assist in healing. It can be used to help treat many physical and mental health issues as well as an approach for prevention and maintenance.

1:1 Pilates

Fitness and therapeutic Pilates sessions help the mind and body to connect more deeply. Pilates strengthens the whole body while also creating flexibility and body awareness. The exercises improve breathing and posture, making every task and activity easier and more enjoyable.

Mindful Art

Mindful Art & Yoga is a practice that integrates yoga and meditation with creating art. It’s all about the process and not the product and that’s what makes it so fun! Creating art from a place of stillness, breath, grounding, balance and mindfulness is one of the best ways to feel more calm and discover how you’re feeling, who you are and what you want.

Sound Healing & Tapping

Sound Healing uses our sense of sound to remove blockages in our energy and create healing through the beautiful a beautiful experience.

Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) is the process of tapping accupuncture points in the body to feel better instantly and restore balance in the self.

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Other offerings

Online Yoga Teacher Training

This is a great time to begin an online Yoga Teacher Training program! It’s more accessible than ever to teach yoga with online, in-person, and outdoor options everywhere. Teaching yoga can be integrated into other career fields, as well.

The possibilities are endless and with Be Kind Yoga Teacher Training, you will be able to become a 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance.

In-Person Barre Teacher Training

Become a Barre Fitness teacher! In my teacher training program, you will learn to teach fun and challenging classes that integrate ballet barre work, Pilates, and Yoga.

Barre Teacher Training

July 13th & 14th

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Cost: $500

Email me to register.

Group Yoga/Pilates Mat Classes

Group classes are a great way to practice yoga and Pilates in a positive environment. MYPA students are welcoming and kind and help to create a safe space for everyone. These classes run on 8-week cycles.

These are for all student levels and integrate both practices. Breath and mindfulness are the keys to a healthy body and life. Everything is done on a mat with the assistance of small props.

Mondays @12:15 pm

Tuesdays @12:15 pm

Thursdays @9:30 am


Blog — March 1, 2024

Blog — January 12, 2024

Blog — November 16, 2023

Glowy Gradient Abstract Brush Stroke Blob

Book a session

Cindy Brewer Purser

231 West Main Street

Albemarle, NC 28001

Email: theyogapilatesbarre@gmail.com


1:1 half hour session - $45

1:1 hour session - $65

Semi-privates session - $40 per person

Group classes - $100 for 8 week session


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